The Noe
              Valley Voice Logo


Dear Voice Readers,

As you saw beginning with the previous issue, you're now able to view the Noe Valley Voice online in the same layout in which it appears in print, including all of the original formatting, photos, and display ads.

When you go to and click the preview image (see below) on the home page, the latest issue will open in the Issuu viewer. The viewer will automatically detect what type of device you're on (desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone) and present the Voice in a format that is optimized for that device.

If you'd like to download the Voice for offline reading (e.g., on an airplane) or to archive on your computer, we'll also provide a link to a PDF file containing the entire issue.

Online features such as our list of back issues, crosswords, and search will continue to be available at

We hope you enjoy the improved reading experience these changes will enable!


Jack Tipple and Sally Smith
Editors and Co-Publishers
The Noe Valley Voice

You can download a PDF file containing the entire September 2013 issue here:
(Zipped PDF, 11.3 MB) (PDF, 11.8 MB)

The entire contents of the Noe Valley Voice print and Web editions are protected by copyright. It is inconsiderate and illegal for you to use our stories or photos in your own publication or blog without first contacting us, getting our permission, and giving us credit. It's often very easy to use our stuff if you give us and the writers and photographers the respect we deserve. Please contact us with any questions you may have. Thank you!

Jack Tipple and Sally Smith
Editors and Co-Publishers
The Noe Valley Voice