Noe Valley Voice December-January 2009

Letters to the Editor

Drivers, Take Your Turn


Drivers in Noe Valley seem to be "doubling up" more often these days, while going through stop signs. One can be at a four-way stop sign (say I am going north) when a car goes through like they should (from the east, we'll say), and when the next car is supposed to drive through, the car behind the first car zooms across the intersection. Someone is going to get hit, and maybe it has happened already. I've seen all types of people doing this--even "moms." It's bad enough that we see a lot of drivers in our neighborhood on cell phones. But this is just as dangerous.

Jeri Raimondi

Doggie Don'ts at Noe Courts


Can I suggest a visit to Noe Courts park at Douglass and 24th streets, and an article about what you see, smell, and step in when you get there!

I was born in the city, but have since moved to San Bruno. However, I am always in Noe Valley because both of my sons and my grandson and granddaughter live within one block of the park. My wife grew up on 24th Street. We are part of the extended family caring for her ailing grandmother, who still lives on 24th Street, so we are in the neighborhood three to five times per week.

What we've seen is that 95 to 100 percent of the dog owners who visit the park are breaking the leash ordinance on a daily basis. When I complained to the owners after a large dog growled at me, I was confronted with laughter, then arguments.

I was once a dog owner, and am all for having a place for off-leash activity. But Noe Courts is a mixed-use playground, frequented by families; thus, keeping dogs on leash is required.

The issue could be resolved by having certain hours for off-leash recreation at Noe Courts. Also, people could go to Upper Douglass Park, an off-leash park only four blocks away.

No one should be self-righteous and think they are always right, but I do feel that my grandson should be able to visit a local playground and feel safe from aggressive dogs!

Ray Barrett

Memories of Tamale Grotto


Great story about Bob Johnson ["Bob Johnson--The Tamale in Our Midst," November 2006 Voice]. What a guy! I loved the enchiladas, beans, and tamales at the Tamale Grotto, his store on Vicente Street. The food was always wrapped in newspaper, and it smelled so good I could hardly wait to get it home.

Virginia Kelly

Looking for the Voice


Today, I tried for the second time to actually find the Noe Valley Voice office in person. I had a Class Ad in the last issue which did pretty good for me, and I wanted to run it again. The deadline was the 15th, which was a Sunday, and the soonest the mail was going to get there was Monday the 16th. Not wanting to take any chances, I rode my bike up from the coffee-scented, hipster-infested Mission to the rarefied, baby-powder-scented air of Noe Valley, determined to keep it local, not involve any federal bureaucracies, and drop my classified ad directly in the NVV's mailbox (and save 44 cents, too). I thought maybe I had missed something last time, some small sign stapled to a tree trunk outside of 1021 Sanchez! Apparently, there is no NVV mailbox and no sign that the NVV exists at all. At 1021 Sanchez Street, I saw a church-like building, signs for a so-called Noe Valley Ministry, and for many other organizations, but no sign of the Noe Valley Voice.

Not wanting to miss the deadline for classifieds, I dropped my envelope in the mail slot at 1021 Sanchez Street and hoped for the best. If you get it, it's the one titled "Handyman Extraordinaire!" Thanks.

Michael McQuate

Editor's Note: Yes, Michael, we got it. But we feel rotten about causing you so much pain. Truth is we rent a small office in the back of the Noe Valley Ministry Presbyterian Church at 1021 Sanchez Street, but we have no outside entrance. Therefore, Class Ad depositors on foot have two choices. They can drop the ad in the mail slot in the wall to the left of the church's front door (like you did), or walk in the church and ferret us out. There is a sign and a "bucket" on our office door, which is in the southeast corner of the first floor of the building. Before you get there, though, you'll pass the Noe Valley Ministry office, just beyond the building's vestibule. Marshal Cousins, the Ministry's building manager, is often manning the desk. He sorts and distributes the mail for the church, and for the building's many other users. We're sure he will accept your envelope and get it to the right place.


1021 Sanchez Street

San Francisco, CA 94114

The Noe Valley Voice is an independent newspaper published monthly except in January and August. It is distributed free in Noe Valley and vicinity, on or before the first Friday of the month. Subscriptions are available at $30 per year ($25 for seniors) by writing to the above address.

The Voice welcomes your letters, photos, and stories, particularly on topics relating to Noe Valley. All items should include your name, address, and phone number, and may be edited for brevity or clarity. (Unsigned letters will not be considered for publication.) Unsolicited contributions will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

The Noe Valley Voice is a member of the San Francisco Neighborhood Newspaper Association.

Editorial Office: 415-821-3324
Distribution: Call Misha, 415-752-1726

Display Advertising: Call Steve, 415-239-1114
Class Ads: See Page 48-49

Display Advertising Deadline for the
February Issue: Jan. 20, 2010
Editorial/Class Ad Deadline: Jan. 15, 2010


Sally Smith, Jack Tipple


Olivia Boler, Last Page Editor

Corrie M. Anders, Associate Editor

Heidi Anderson, Associate Editor

Karol Barske, Helen Colgan, Chrissy Elgersma, Jan Goben, Liz Highleyman, John Hohulin, Laura McHale Holland, Florence Holub, Tim Innes, Jeff Kaliss, Doug Konecky, Pat Rose, Roger Rubin, Shayna Rubin, Lorraine Sanders, Karen Topakian, Kate Volkman, Heather World, Alaish Wren


Pamela Gerard, Photo Editor
Beverly Tharp, Senior Photographer

Jan Brittenson, Najib Joe Hakim, Leo Holub, Ken Newman, Paula Whitehead


Karol Barske


Jon Elkin, Sally Smith, Jack Tipple


Misha Yagudin, Jack Tipple


Jon Elkin, Elliot Poger


Steve Steinberg, Advertising Manager


Contents c. 2009 The Noe Valley Voice